University of Bedfordshire
The University of Bedfordshire is a modern, innovative university with a heritage of top quality education going back more than 100 years.
Greater Brighton Metropolitan College
Central Brighton Campus, Pelham Street, Brighton BN1 4FA Tel: 01273 667788 Email: Head of Department Theatre Arts: Nick Gardner
Manchester Metropolitan University
Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester M15 6BH Tel: 0161 247 2000 Principal Lecturer Contemporary Arts: Jane Turner Principal Lecturer in Contemporary Arts: Bev Stevens
Newcastle College
Newcastle College, Scotswood Road, Newcastle upon Tyne NE4 7SA Tel: 0191 200 4000 Email: Course Leader: Kevin Ridley
Hull College
Hull College, Queen’s Gardens, Hull HU1 3DG Tel: 01482 329943 Email: Course Leader Performing Arts (Technical Theatre): Andy Brady