Association of Sound Designers
56 Park Road
  • Woking ,
  • England ,
GU22 7DB

The UK theatre sound industry primarily consists of individuals working in a freelance capacity, who until the existence of the ASD rarely met and had little means for professional development. Our aim is to provide a community and a variety of educational and support networks – both online and in real life. We offer assistance to those who live far away from industry centres like London to be able to travel to our training events. We offer the loan of recording equipment to those who might otherwise struggle to access it. We also exist to provide a mouthpiece for the industry – to vocalise the issues our members face, and to improve their working lives. We also provide resources and open access training to non-members and the rest of the industry.

The Association of Sound Designers advocates for a diverse and inclusive theatre sound community, in which all members, regardless of race, age, gender identity, sexual orientation, physical ability, mental health, nationality, language, religion, belief, or socioeconomic background can work with dignity and in safety.

All ASD members are expected to take responsibility for creating inclusive, productive working environments that are positive and supportive. As Theatre Sound professionals, we also have a responsibility to raise concerns we may have about unsafe working experiences and to stand up for others in vulnerable positions, where appropriate and possible.

The ASD is committed to support and empower its members to work freely and creatively, in environments in which everyone can be themselves, respected, valued, and feel that their voices are heard.

Associated listings

  • England

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Your Stage Data registered email address needs to match the organisation’s domain or listed contact. 

If these details do not match, but you would still like to make a claim, please contact us.

Association of Sound Designers