National Rigging Advisory Group (NRAG)
Redoubt House
1 Edward Road
  • Eastbourne ,
  • England ,
BN23 8AS

The National Rigging Advisory Group (NRAG) was originally formed to develop the National Rigging Certificate. With the successful development and implementation of the NRC, the group has expanded its focus to act as a representative body for the entertainment rigging industry in the UK.

The NRAG committee addresses each of the areas outlined in the Mission Statement. Its membership includes representation from an array of organisations and individuals involved in rigging as well as leading health and safety experts.

Associated listings

  • England

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Your Stage Data registered email address needs to match the organisation’s domain or listed contact. 

If these details do not match, but you would still like to make a claim, please contact us.

National Rigging Advisory Group (NRAG)